Once upon a time, there was a sneaky wolf who wanted to catch some sheep to eat. But every time he got close, the sheep would run away because they were scared of him.
One day, the wolf had a tricky idea. He found an old sheepskin and put it on, making himself look like a sheep. “Now, they won’t know it’s me!” the wolf thought, feeling very clever. He walked quietly into the flock of sheep, and none of them noticed him.
The wolf waited with the flock all day, planning to grab a sheep for dinner when no one was looking.
Just then, the shepherd came by to check on his sheep. He looked at the new “sheep” in the flock and thought something seemed strange. He moved closer and realized—it wasn’t a sheep, it was the wolf!
Without wasting any time, the shepherd grabbed his stick and started beating the wolf, chasing him far away from the flock. The wolf ran as fast as he could, and he never tried to trick the sheep again.
Moral: Trying to trick others can lead to big trouble, and you can’t always trust what you see.