In a vast forest, a mighty lion lay resting under the shade of a tree. Nearby, a little mouse scurried around, unaware of the sleeping lion. The mouse ran across the lion’s paw by chance, waking him up!

With a swift movement, the lion trapped the tiny creature beneath his paw. “How dare you disturb my sleep?” the lion growled. “I should eat you for this!”

The mouse, trembling with fear, pleaded, “Please, mighty lion, let me go! If you spare me, I promise I’ll repay your kindness one day!”

The lion looked down at the mouse and laughed. “You? Help me? How could someone so small help someone like me?” But feeling generous, the lion lifted his paw and let the mouse go. “Be off with you,” he said. “You’re free.”

Days later, the lion found himself in trouble. He was caught in a hunter’s net, unable to break free no matter how hard he struggled. His roars echoed through the forest, but no one came to help.

Hearing the lion’s roar, the little mouse remembered the lion’s kindness and rushed to the scene. Seeing the lion trapped, the mouse started gnawing at the ropes with his sharp teeth. Bit by bit, the mouse chewed through the ropes until the lion was free.

The lion was astonished. “You’ve saved me!” he said. “I never imagined someone so small could help me.”

The mouse smiled and replied, “Even the smallest creature can help the strongest. Kindness is never wasted.”

The lion, now humbled, thanked the mouse, and from that day on, they became good friends.

Moral: No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever forgotten.

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