Once upon a time, there was a farmer and his wife who had a very special goose. Every day, the goose would lay one shiny, golden egg. The farmer and his wife were so happy because they could sell the golden egg and get lots of money. They were becoming richer and more prosperous, one golden egg at a time.
But after a while, the farmer started to get greedy. “Why should we wait for just one egg a day?” he thought. “If the goose can lay golden eggs, she must have lots of gold inside her! Let’s cut her open and get all the gold right now.”
The farmer’s wife agreed, and they decided to kill the goose. But when they cut her open, they didn’t find any gold inside. The goose was just like any other goose on the inside. And now, they had no more golden eggs because the goose was gone forever.
The farmer and his wife were very sad. They realized their greed had made them lose everything. If they had just been patient and happy with one egg a day, they would still be rich.
Moral: If you are too greedy, you might lose everything you have.